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What is 5 Elements Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is one of the oldest systems of healing developed in China about 5,000 years ago and is based on the theory that there is a Life Force called Ch’i Energy flowing through everything in nature. In the human bodies this energy flows along specific pathways called meridians. When the flow is harmonious and balanced, one is healthy. When the flow is disrupted, one becomes ill. Acupuncture through the use of needles can affect the quality of Ch’I energy and help a person regain harmony.

5 Elements Acupuncture appeared around 200BC and is based on the observations of nature, natural laws and how these laws work in people. According to these observations there are five elements ever present in Nature, as well as in the human body: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. Each of the Elements represents a distinct “quality” of the Ch’i energy as it cycles through nature and the seasons, and through our own lives.

These elements interrelate by creating, nourishing and controlling each other in order to maintain balance and life. When one of these elements gets into distress it will create disharmony along the cycle and  we may feel a reduced sense of well-being, and we may develop various symptoms. Symptoms can and do show up at any level- not just in our body, but also in our mind, in our emotions or in our spirit.

The main principles behind 5 Elements Acupuncture are:

  • it focuses on identifying the element in distress and by taking care of that element, the flow of the energy is reestablished and we feel healthy, nourished and fully alive.

  • treats the cause of the symptoms rather than the symptoms.

  • helps people to move back into harmony within themselves, their emotions and their life as a whole.



Natural Way of Healing (the undesirable side effects of drugs are completely eliminated).

Preventative medicine (maintains the health by sustaining the free flow of energy; cleanses the polluted energy).

Addresses a wide range of clinical disorders:

  • Gastrointestinal (IBS,  indigestion, chronic constipation)

  • Respiratory (allergies, asthma, sinusitis)

  • Gynecological  (PMS,  infertility)

  • Circulatory

  • Psychological (depression, anxiety)

  • Neurological (migraine, headaches, insomnia)

  • Skin conditions

  • Chronic and acute pain, arthritis, sciatica

  • Stress-related disorders (anorexia, overeating)

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Faster recovery after injuries 

  • Addiction recovery from alcohol,  nicotine, and drugs

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