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Ioana is a highly skilled and deeply intuitive acupuncturist, with a rare level of ability and range in treatment approaches. She shows immaculate respect for clients’ needs, challenges, pace of healing, and boundaries. I recommend her strongly and without hesitation. I came to Ioana for treatment of a couple specific physical injuries and also during a period of significant transition and emotional healing. Her treatments have both immediate and lasting effects. She is able to effectively treat acute issues such as injuries or emotional traumas, and also support more gradual processes (e.g. long-term healing and change). Ioana’s approach with Five Elements acupuncture is the most effective form of acupuncture I’ve experienced, and she is also very skilled in a range of complementary modalities. She combines these in a very attuned and attentive way to offer the most supportive treatment for whatever is happening in the moment for her clients, while maintaining a memory and sense of the big picture of their lives and long-term healing process. Throughout, Ioana’s insightful care, dedication to practice, creativity, natural curiosity, and kindness come through very strongly. She works at a very deep level, so her treatments are powerful, but she sequences them in a way that they are never jarring. I have great appreciation for the rare healing space she creates in support of clients’ immediate healing and deeper processes of change. Many thanks!



In my life, I have been the client of three acupuncturists.  Now, I can add the fourth. My treatments with Ioana Todoran were a fascinating combination of gentle conversation with some factual information and the systematic pulse reading done in acupuncture treatments.
Ioana's treatment seemed to integrate & increase communication within the different parts of my body that were being worked on. It was as my system was flushed with a gently river of cool water. The depth of overall wellness, both physically & emotionally, was profoundly deep. The 5E treatments that I received from Ioana and the release I felt stayed with me for weeks.  I have the utmost respect for this system of acupuncture and feel that unquestionably, it will be my 'go to' body work from now on.   



Seattle, WA

I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Ioana--her sensitivity, intuitiveness, and the openness with which she practices left me with far more than simply an acupuncture treatment. She holds absolutely no judgement and has a special knack for blending perfectionism and professionalism with sincerity and compassion. While I've had acupuncture treatments in the past, I had never tried the five element approach. Ioana's treatments were powerful and effective. I highly recommend treatment with Ioana. She's talented, perceptive and immeasurably kind. 


Seattle, WA

I spent years spinning my wheels with undiagnosed PTSD, living with severely crippling symptoms and consequences that I often couldn’t figure out or locate. Then I spent years treating the symptoms using typical western medical methods: heavily-medicating those symptoms using drugs like Ritalin and Welbutrin to treat A.D.D. and major depressive disorder, coupled with Xanax to relive anxiety and a handful of medications to help me unwind and sleep. 

The medications certainly “helped,” in a manner of speaking, but they also created a whole host of new symptoms that either had to be treated themselves or otherwise disrupted my life. While the individual medications may perhaps treat individual symptoms effectively, I’m not sure that my daily dosage of medications was actually beneficial in the long run. It seemed a very short-sighted approach to addressing long-term chronic concerns.  Unfortunately I think VA doctors are a product of their environment who are also hindered by their available resources.

Last fall I discovered acupuncture as part of a multi-valence approach to holistic care that's included shifting to a healthier diet, increasing exercise and other personal care practices, and regular meditation.  But I’ve found that meditation and acupuncture components have provided the greatest benefits. Meditation has helped calm my mind and keep me more balanced, while acupuncture has addressed those and many of my other symptoms previously treated through medications.

The benefits of acupuncture has been nothing short of shocking. I come into treatment feeling my “normal” self and I leave feeling entirely different, in ways depending on that day’s personalized treatment. While some treatments are more intense than others, I always leave relaxed yet focused. I can literally feel the energy coursing through me; certain treatments unleash pent up negative energy that literally dumps out of my body as if someone suddenly opened the secret spigot. I sometimes feel temporarily dazed, yet always purified—as if I’m closer to my true self.

As someone who was raised on typical western medicinal techniques, I started my acupuncture treatment slightly skeptical yet open-minded and optimistic. I’ve been completely overwhelmed by the outcome! I feel like years of negative energy have been purged. While I’m still not “where I ultimately want to be,” I realize that it’s a gradual process and—perhaps the ultimate testament—is that I ceased taking all my medications while maintaining a fairly balanced life without popping tons of pills on a daily basis. If nothing else, that alone is a major victory which should not to be overlooked!  I offer my deepest gratitude to my amazing doctors.  Thank you!  


Seattle, WA

Ioana Todoran is an Acupuncturist who along with other members of the Wu-Hsing-Tao clinic performed all the treatments neccessary for my recovery from different symptoms from which I suffered for certain time, namely pain in the lower extremities and other imbalances that I created. Already after a second treatment I felt an instant relief and a feeling of well being spreading through my entire body and further treatments only improved my condition even more deeply. 

Ioana Todoran makes an excelent acupuncturist with vast knowledge, always calm, pleasant, very encouraging and with a warm welcoming smile that makes you relax and want to come for more healing experiences. Whether you are a new comer to this alternative branch of medicine or already an experienced ongoer I highly recommend 5 Elements Acupuncture as a natural way of healing and with the best results. 

With best regards,

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